Opening the Year with Val, Author of Saints in Lockdown

Happy New Year!

It seems impossible that it’s a whole year since our last interview two weeks ago with Vida Li Sik!

Talking to others, I’ve found it fascinating how many people reporting that 2020 seemed more like a decade! That although the days seemed to fly past, the weeks went on forever. I was chatting on WhatsApp with my daughter in Montenegro. She said she’d been talking to her teaching colleagues the day before, and they had all said the same thing!

Isn’t it strange?

How about you? Has 2020 seemed a particularly long year for you?

So today we return to one of the last interviews with authors who participated in our boxed set, In All Things, and today we’re chatting to Val Waldeck, a multi-published author who lives in Durban, on the South Coast of South Africa.

Welcome Val!

Shirl: Great to have you here.

Val: Thanks Shirl, good to be with you.

Shirl: I love the title you chose for your book! What motivated you to choose this particular theme?

Join us in our chat with prolific South African author, Val Waldeck, author of Saints In Lockdown, a creative devotional book available in the limited edition of the boxed set of 13 e-books, In All Things. Share on X

Val:  Observing the reaction of people to the lockdown in our own country (South Africa) and globally. People seemed to have a real problem coming to terms with the issues they faced and still trusting in the sovereignty and goodness of God. Yet we read in Scripture of so many Old Testament saints who stood tall as they faced and conquered their varying circumstances by focusing on the Lord.

Val, how did the book affect you?

Shirl:  Did you yourself get anything out of these devotions as you wrote them? Did you grow at all spiritually (or in any other way) while you were writing these chapters?

Val:  The faith of these Old Testament believers challenged me deeply. We have a complete Bible, access to anointed teaching, and freedom to encourage and share with one another. Yet still, we complain when things don’t go our way. 1 Thessalonians 5:17 took on new meaning for me: The Will of God is for His People to rejoice always, pray without ceasing, and in everything give thanks. Our God reigns.

Shirl:  Wow! Yes, we’re not good at any of those, are we? So tell me, what was the best thing for you about the whole process?

Val: I really enjoyed collaborating with the other authors and sharing their devotional books. It is amazing to see how many different aspects of God’s creation are shared and applied to our lives.

Working with others

Shirl:  You’re right. It’s been great seeing all the different themes come together, hasn’t it? You had to produce seven chapters on the theme, Overcomers. Were all seven easy to find? Or was there one (or more) that caused you to struggle?

 Val:  The biggest struggle was to choose only seven overcomers! The Bible is full of stories about amazing saints who believed God, no matter what. Maybe someday this book will morph into a whole year of devotionals!

Shirl:  Ooh that sounds wonderful! I’ll look out for that! Shifting topics now, the party from all accounts was a resounding success. What did you enjoy most about it? What was the biggest challenge?

Val:  The party was fun. It was amazing to chat with so many people and enjoy their slant on life. I enjoyed the openness of people and their willingness to participate and chat with us. The biggest challenge was keeping track of all those comments!

Shirl: Yes, that was a real challenge, wasn’t it? But so good to discover even when you lost your own post one of the team was happily keeping it going! I loved the entire experience.

Do you have any “last words” for our readers today, Val?

Val:  I believe “In All  Things” will be a blessing and inspiration for many years for all who get this Limited Edition of 13 books. I would invite everyone to pay it forward and buy a set for a friend (or two). This will make a wonderful gift!

Other authors in the set already interviewed:

Shirley Corder – 7 African Animals
Sunrise to Sunset- – Deryn van der Tang
What God Wants – Ashley Winter
Inspired to Worship – Ann Goodfellow
Steps of Faith – Crystal Warren
Life is Good – Yvonne Tippins
Promises to Cherish – Vida Li Sik

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News from Shirley

Let’s close with the question I began with.
Have any of you experienced 2020 as being a long year? Tell us more. 

Shirl: Thank you so much, Val. Leave us with a few ways of connecting with you.

My website: Reaching Our Generation One Book at a Time
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13 comments on “Opening the Year with Val, Author of Saints in Lockdown

  1. Thanks for the interview, Shirley. What a privilege it is to be part of this stunning collection. It will bless believers for many years should Jesus tarry.

  2. Great interview. Words for our times, knowing God’s people have been though challenging times encourages us today that God is still with His people as we go through our difficult days.

  3. Thanks for this interesting interview. I so enjoyed the devotions on biblical overcomers. It reinforced for me that throughout history “Our God reigns”.

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