Inspired to Worship – Getting to know Ann Goodfellow

Interview with Ann, author of Inspired to Worship

So it’s Friday once again. How quickly they come round! Today we’re chatting to another of the authors published in In All Things, a 3-month boxed set of daily devotional readings, all linked to Africa. Each small book of seven devotions is written by an author who was either born in Africa or was born elsewhere but has lived in Africa for some time. So we all share the theme – Out of Africa! Today, I’d like to introduce you to Ann Goodfellow.

I first met Ann at a Christian Women’s Conference, Beauty for Ashes, many years ago. She joined a number of us who were members of my online Christian Writers of Southern Africa group, and we hit it off straight away. She has published many devotional books with the most exquisite cover. In All Things, however, was a first for her in many ways, and all of us taking part were impressed at the example she set by embracing and conquering each challenge.

Shirley: Hi Ann!

It’s great to have you here today. Please share with us what motivated you to choose the theme of worship through psalms for your particular book in the boxed set?

Ann: Hello Shirley, thank you for the opportunity to share a little of the background to my writing for this fascinating set of books. In our relationship with our Lord, we come first of all to worship before anything else. So when I looked for a topic, Worship “In all things” was obvious right from the start.

Challenges along the way

Shirley: Well, when you put it that way, you’re so right. Thank you! I know there were many new lessons for you throughout the process of writing this book, tiny though it is. What was the best thing for you about the whole process?

Ann: Being able to find suitable devotions to fit the process. There are 150 psalms, and they are all so wonderful. Most of them are steeped in worship, which of course was my theme. Which ones would resonate the best with my readers?

Shirley: Each author had to produce seven chapters on their chosen theme. Once you narrowed the number down, did you find it easy to write the reflections in such a way it would speak to your readers? Or was there one (or more) that caused you to struggle?

Ann: There was one which I struggled to get the wording right. You and I had to send it back and forward a few times to get it to say what I wanted it to say. I don’t remember now which one that was. But I was relieved when we were finally able to move on.

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Looking for David

Shirley: I remember that. I also felt relief once we were able to carry on. Fortunately, the others weren’t as difficult. The final seven are beautiful. I don’t think I’ll ever read a psalm again without a picture you give us in your introduction to the book:

“Imagine that David is in the room with you. See yourself watching and listening to him. Let the music and the words flow into your soul – and rejoice with David.” What a beautiful picture!

'Imagine that David is in the room with you. See yourself watching and listening to him. Let the music and the words flow into your soul – and rejoice with David.' Ann Goodfellow In All Things Share on X

Thank you again for your participation in the boxed set, Ann, as well as this interview. Let’s close off by listening to you reading a short excerpt from the book.

Readers, over to you: Do you have a favorite psalm? Quote us a verse in the comment section below.

Interviews and Books covered in this series so far:

Shirley Corder – 7 African Animals

Sunrise to Sunset- – Deryn van der Tang

What God Wants – Ashley Winter

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