Chat with Vida Li Sik, Author of Promises to Cherish

Goodness me! It’s Friday again!

And the last Friday before Christmas and New Year!

Vida Li SIk

Time to once again meet up with one of the eleven authors who contributed to our 13-book boxed set of devotional readings. Each book covers seven days of meditations based on a different theme but loosely connected with Africa.

Meet Vida Li Sik

So today we’re chatting to Vida Li Sik, author of Promises to Cherish.  Isn’t that a beautiful title? Lovely cover too.

Vida lives in South Africa’s “City of Gold” – Johannesburg. She has two young adult sons, one of whom recently wrote the matriculation certificate examination after surely the most traumatic year any students have ever faced for their final and most important school year. We wish him well in the results.

Today we're chatting to Vida Li Sik, author of Promises to Cherish, the lovely devotional book that is included in the boxed set of 13 e-books, In All Things. Share on X

Welcome, Vida!

Shirley: Vida, I’m so glad to have you with me today. As I’ve already indicated, I love your title and cover. Tell me, what motivated you to choose this theme?

Vida: Thanks, Shirl. Good to be here. Why did I choose this theme? Well, this year has been tough, so I wanted to write something light and encouraging for me and whoever may read my Promises to Cherish devotional book.

Shirley: That’s a lovely reason, and you certainly succeeded. It’s a most uplifting book. I know it’s been a first time for many of us, doing a multi-authored set of books. What, for you, was the best thing about the whole process?

Vida: I think the best thing about the whole process for me was that it forced me to think of scriptures that have encouraged me throughout my life. There are many, so it was hard to choose just seven. I found the process very encouraging as it reaffirmed my faith that God is in control no matter what circumstances we find ourselves in.

Shirley: And in the process, you have turned out a book of seven readings that do the same for your readers. Well done! We certainly need that encouragement during these dark days of COVID.

Working as part of a team

Shirley: How did you find it working with the other writers, most (if not all) of whom you have never met?

Vida: Working with the other ten writers was encouraging. It motivated and pushed me to do my part. Knowing that some of the other authors had already finished their books spurred me on and encouraged me not to let the team down.

Shirley: Yes, that was a good motivator, wasn’t it? Have you ever done anything like this, working with other authors or participating in a boxed set? It was a first for me, and I think most of our writers.

Vida: This was the first time I participated in a boxed set or multi-author project, so I had nothing to compare it to. What I liked most was working with a group that had two common goals: to encourage readers to draw closer to God, and to highlight our magnificent African continent.

Shirley: Those two goals were mine when I suggested the idea, and I was delighted with the way each author took them to heart. Each book clearly has the two same goals, no matter their theme.

Launch Party

Shirley: There are so many other things I could ask you, but time doesn’t permit. Perhaps, just one more. How did you enjoy the four-hour Facebook Launch Party we held, attended by just under 8,000 people? Did you have any specific challenges in connection with it?

Vida: I loved the Facebook party so much that I hung around for all of it. It was without a doubt, the best I had ever participated in. I loved the interaction between the authors and the readers. The biggest challenge for me was deciding on the posts I had to prepare in advance. I’m someone who inevitably ends up doing things at the last minute. So I enjoyed avoiding the pressure that goes with that and was prepared ahead of time. Yay!

Shirley: Vida, thank you so much for your interesting and frank answers to my questions. I’m sure the readers are fascinated by this chance to get to know the author behind the book, Promises to Cherish!

Vida: Thank you for the opportunity!

Shirley: I think we should end off with listening to you reading a short excerpt from your book!

Shirley: Readers, please share with us your favourite of all God’s promises. 

Other authors in the set already interviewed:

Shirley Corder – 7 African Animals

Sunrise to Sunset- – Deryn van der Tang

What God Wants – Ashley Winter

Inspired to Worship – Ann Goodfellow

Steps of Faith – Crystal Warren

Life is Good – Yvonne Tippins

Interviews will recommence on 8th January!

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6 comments on “Chat with Vida Li Sik, Author of Promises to Cherish

  1. Vida, thank you for thinking of readers and choosing encouraging words that will help us to hang onto God’s promises at such a difficult time.

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