Jigsaw as a Cover Reveal

Fun Memory

Some years ago, my husband and I were on holiday (vacation) in a holiday home with my daughter, son-in-law, and eldest granddaughter. My husband and I had taken along a gorgeous but complicated jigsaw to work on, and he was quick to set it up on the dining table. In no time, he started sorting through the straight edges, and he was soon joined by our granddaughter.

It soon became obvious that the rest of us had other things to do. Our only participation in the development was watching to see the picture coming to fruition as grandpa and granddaughter shared some special bonding time searching for pieces.

What a fun memory that is!

What are the benefits of doing a jigsaw?

In writing this blog post, I looked on our trusty Google for an answer to this question. I was amazed at what I found. One excellent article can be found here: 7 Surprising Benefits of Doing Jigsaws.

You get so many benefits from doing a jigsaw. Here are some, and how they can apply to a cover reveal. Share on X

Here are just a few of the benefits I’ve gathered:

Doing jigsaws …

… reinforces connections between brain cells

This improves our mental speed and our short-term memories. (Who doesn’t need that?)

… are a great stress reliever

As we study the pieces and try to figure out where they should go, we concentrate on one image for a period, allowing outside stress to evaporate.

… gives a sense of achievement

Where there are many more, they probably don’t all apply to the puzzle I’m presenting to you in the form of a Cover Reveal for Returning to Amanda, but at least these benefits do.

Now Here’s a Jigsaw for You to Enjoy

Every day for the next week and a bit, I’m giving you one more step in the jigsaw of the cover image. Each picture will present you with a simple question which will mean you studying the image or even doing a little research.

This exercise will do more for you than just watching it develop, as we did with that jigsaw my husband and granddaughter enjoyed. If you read the question (and I do mean READ it!) and search for the simple answer, you will be relieving stress, experiencing a sense of achievement, and WOOHOO! reinforcing connections between your brain cells!

You will also, hopefully, bond with Amanda in her project, and want to read more about her story. (Which you can do in full by clicking on the button below.)

So – don’t miss the posts which will be almost daily for the next few days, and see the complete cover for Returning to Amanda.

Oh, and I nearly forgot to mention. There will be prizes after the cover is revealed.

And in closing . . .


On September 27 we will be holding a Launch Party on the Africa Book Safari group. And you will all be invited! Watch this space (or on my author page) for details. Fun, prizes, fact, and fiction, will be the order of the day.

Need to Catch Up on Previous Posts about Returning to Amanda?

A Debut Novel at My Age?
Write What You Know
Character Interview: Mandy Douglas
The Cover Story
The Characters in Returning to Amanda
Introducing Rev Owen Douglas—Antagonist!
Are You Up for Promotion?
The Story Blurb (and Introduction to the Jigsaw)

If you haven’t read them all, I urge you to catch up. These posts will help you to really dive in and enjoy the book when you read it.

And don’t forget – the book is currently on pre-order at a reduced price. Not much longer and it’ll go up after the launch!

Get my copy!

Question of the Day:

Do you enjoy doing jigsaws? Which part do you tackle first? Leave your answer in a comment below.

8 comments on “Jigsaw as a Cover Reveal

  1. I love doing jigsaw puzzles. The problem is that is all I want to do when I start one. I even forget to eat meals when I am involved in a puzzle.

    • Good to see you here, Marilyn. Yes, I’m like that when I’m “in the zone” with my writing. Glad you enjoy doing puzzles. I hope you’re watching the cover reveal puzzle! At least that doesn’t take any time!

  2. I need to be in the mood for a jigsaw puzzle. They take too long for my liking. If I am sick or incapacitated, they help to while away the time! As a child, we had a beautiful puzzle of fairies, and that was brought out every time we were sick, so I guess it has stuck in my mind as a pastime for recovery. I would start with the four corners, build the edges then fill in the pieces as I find them matching.

    • Yes, thats my problem too. When I start something I like to see progress faster than most jigsaws! Thanks for participating Deryn! And yes, I have the same technique and have used it with my cover reveal

  3. I don’t have jigsaw puzzles that come in a box. On occasion, I do an online puzzle sorting out the straight edge pieces first. I’d like to improve my mental speed and short-term memory. Jigsaw puzzles would be a fun way to do it.

    • Thanks for the quick visit, Dianne! The post has just one up. That’s so cool.
      Rob and I have quite a few jigsaws, but I have to admit, where we start together, he becomes glued to the jigsaw and I lose interest! Guess this is something I should get back to. Interesting, hi?

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