Happy Christmas Eve. Is it possible with COVID?

Many years ago Bing Crosby recorded a song that been a favorite across the world, “It’s beginning to feel a lot like Christmas!”

You can listen to it here.

But my question for you today, which quite probably is Christmas Eve, is:

Is it beginning to feel a BIT like Christmas?


A few days ago, I wrote a simple post and put it on my Facebook. I have been amazed at the feedback it has brought me!

Festivities may be canceled, but CHRISTMAS is NOT! Please RT - and have a happy and blessed Christmas! #Christ in Christmas Share on X

Across the world, festivities have been canceled as much of the globe is doing battle with a second wave of COVID. Here in South Africa, even our BEACHES are canceled! I live a mere 6 minutes away from one of the most beautiful beaches, yet I may not set foot on it until after New Year!


You’ve guessed it! COVID-19. It’s not because of the sand or the salt water. It’s certainly not because of the wonderful fresh air. It’s because of the people who mob onto the beach with no thought of safe distancing or masks.

There is a lot of anger and frustration around, but again yesterday on Facebook, I read a thought-provoking post.

“We isolate today so we can see each other in the future.”

We isolate today so we can see each other in the future! Please RT. And have a blessed Christmas! Share on X

Eleven authors from my group of Christian Writers of Southern Africa (CWOSA) took on a Lockdown Challenge. We wrote an ebook called, In All Things, in which all eleven selected their own theme for devotions. It was interesting how many of them pointed to the COVID storm, or lockdown situations.

One enterprising author chose the theme, “Saints in Lockdown!” Val Waldeck, who will be interviewed on 8th January on this site, tells of seven saints from Scripture who were locked down, and how much they achieved as a result.

We may be in lockdown, but Jesus isn’t!

We may be in lockdown, but Jesus isn't! Please RT and have a safe and happy Christmas! #Christ in Christmas Share on X

And isn’t that so good to know? So tell me, What have you achieved during your time in lockdown?

The good news is also the bad news. The time is not yet over. So if you haven’t achieved too much during the last nine months, start thinking ahead to the next few months.

Smile behind those masks!

Yvonne Tippins

Another of our authors, Yvonne Tippins, in her book, Life is Good! tells of a car guard who is always smiling.

But now you can’t see the smile because he wears a mask! But his eyes show that he’s still smiling behind his mask. How about you? Are you smiling? Masks and all? (You can read an interview with Yvonne here.)

We had decided not to put up a Christmas Tree or decorations this year. After all, why would we? We won’t have any visitors this year. It will only be my husband and I who will see them.

Then I read a post on Facebook (again!) that gave me a nudge. It was also written by one of our S.African authors, Deryn van der Tang (interview here) who pointed out that as she looked at the lights on her tree, she was reminded that not only did Jesus come as The Light of the World, He commissioned us to be the lights of the world!

Suddenly, the concept took on new meaning for us. We didn’t put up many decorations, but we concentrated on what mattered:



And then, of course,

The Nativity!


One thing led to another.

It didn’t seem right to have lights and a nativity scene without music!

So the Christmas CD’s came on and brightened our home with cheer.

And then we suddenly felt like getting further into the Christmas spirit. We ordered Christmas presents online (we don’t have a postal system at present, nor do we go to the shops) and we started watching Christmas movies on Netflix!

So, as the end of my post says

Let’s stay safe, smile behind our masks, and be the light to this very dark world!

Let's stay safe, smile behind our masks, and be lights in this very dark world! Shirley Corder And have a VERY HAPPY CHRISTMAS! Please RT! #Christmas Share on X


Now over to you: (Leave an email address and I’d love to respond to any comments you leave.)

So how about you? Is it beginning to feel a BIT like Christmas?

Tell me in a comment what you’re doing to ramp up the feeling!

8 comments on “Happy Christmas Eve. Is it possible with COVID?

  1. Beautiful example of remembering what this season is alll about, Shirley. We packed my my 99 yo MIL into the car with hot chocolate and a blanket and drove her around to see Christmas lights. Covid couldn’t stop that!

  2. Since we won’t be gathering with family this year, my husband thought a real tree, instead of our artificial tree, would help to make Christmas more festive. So, we left early on a weekday before a crowd would arrive at the tree farms in Apple Hill. Although we live in a rural area with lots of open space, it felt good to roam through a forest, to see a different part of our region. To do something positive…bring home with us a little festive hope. And a frozen pie for Christmas dessert.

    • Thank you for being the first visitor! I’m so glad you were able to get into the forest. How lovely that must have been. When were in Hoekwil we went for a long walk through a forest with the family and it was wonderful. We have nowhere to go here at all now that the beaches and parks are all closed. We ordered a tiny but gaily-decorated Christmas cake as a treat, and will be collecting a Christmas roast dinner for lunch from our foundation.
      Have a blessed Christmas.

      • Tri-Tip from our freezer is on our menu. Joe’s going to BBQ. With the pie from Apple Hill, I won’t have to cook much. This will put me in heaven on earth! Enjoy your roast dinner. Blessings.

        • Thank you! Lovely meal, and we have two roasted chicken thighs that were left over which we’re having cold today with salads. YAY! Just the thing for our sweltering weather!

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