Tracy Crump and Her Debut Book, Health, Healing, and Wholeness

For an author, a book launch is always an exciting moment. How much more when it’s your debut book! Tracy Crump’s debut book of devotions launches today (1st June). So I’m thrilled to be able to introduce you to the author. This may be her first book, but as the saying goes, “It’s not her first rodeo!” She is well-published as a devotional writer, with a number of Chicken Soup anthologies on her resume.

I belonged to Tracy’s critique group for some years and grew a tremendous amount as a writer as a result of the experience. We have become firm cyber friends through the process, and I was delighted when she invited me to join her launch team. So come along and meet Tracy. 

Introducing Tracy Crump

SC: Hi Tracy and welcome to my home on the web. It’s been such a joy and privilege to get to know you through our contact on the Internet. And so we’ve reached this exciting moment. Your book, Health, Healing, and Wholeness: Devotions of Hope in the Midst of Illness, is finally on its way to the whole wide world! I’m really intrigued by your choice of topic. Why a book based on experiences in the I.C.U.?  What motivated you to choose that theme for your book?

TC: Thank you, Shirl. It’s great to be here. I loved working in ICU and I saw God work miracles in patients’ lives on more than one occasion. I thought those stories would bring hope to people who were facing devastating diagnoses or battling chronic illness. God sees. He knows. He may not always answer our prayers as we would like, but He’ll always stand with His children and bring peace.

SC: That’s so great to know, isn’t it? I’ve had personal experience of His miracles and His answers, as you know, and I can vouch for what you’re saying. Often his answers don’t feel good at the time. But in hindsight? They’re always the best. Did you find it difficult to come up with enough stories to fill your book? Or was it more a case of having to sift through the many to select the best?

TC: Unfortunately, not all ICU situations have a happy ending, as I’m sure you know, Shirl. So I chose stories from both my nursing days and caregiving experiences, as well as times I walked alongside friends in their health crises. I wanted the devotions to represent a wide variety of illnesses and outcomes as well as biblical principles that comfort and demonstrate God’s love.

'Not all ICU situations have a happy ending . . . but God sees. He knows.' Tracy Crump talks about her debut book. Please RT #devotions # ICU # TracyCrump Share on X

SC: And you have certainly chosen well. Each devotion packs a punch, no matter the way the story actually worked out. It is a truly uplifting book to read from start to finish.

The cover!

As for the cover! It is really beautiful. How did you feel the first time you set eyes on it?

TC: Thank you, I’m thrilled with the cover! Rhonda Dragomir of The Dragomir Group designed it.  Since I have absolutely no ability to visualize something like that, I just told her blue is my favorite color and I pictured a dove when thinking of a verse in my introduction: “The Sun of Righteousness will rise with healing in his wings” (Malachi 4:2 NLT). She sent me several images, and the one we used jumped out at me from the beginning. When she added the fonts and feather image, it came together beautifully. Rhonda is ultra-talented in so many areas.

SC: Wow! I know Rhonda of course, as we were together on your critique group. But I hadn’t realized this about her. (Well done, Rhonda if you’re reading this!)

Tracy, I know you’ve been published many times, especially in the Chicken Soup books, but I know this is your first experience of your own book. So dare I ask? I’m sure many readers want to know. What comes next?

What comes next?

TC: Yes, this is my first book. Even though I’ve published in many different venues, this has been quite a learning experience. I say it’s kind of like having a baby—right after it’s over, you don’t ever want to go through that again! But I’m already collecting stories for caregivers and nurses. Maybe I’ll consider having another baby once I get this one on the road!

SC: Oh yes. It doesn’t take long before you start to think of another baby to keep the first one company! In the family as well as in the writing world! One last question I’m bursting to know the answer to. How on earth did you draw together such a fabulous group of enthusiastic folk on your street team?

TC: Oh, my goodness, God has so blessed me with such a wonderful team! Especially now, when my husband and I are in the middle of our own health crisis. My sweet mother-in-law had a heart attack two weeks after turning 100 and is now on hospice. Trying to launch a book in the middle of intense caregiving would have overwhelmed me if not for my team. My launch director, Karen Sargent, said, “We’ve got this!” and everyone jumped in and took over. It brings tears to my eyes now.

SC: Yes, that has really been awesome. Everyone has indeed jumped in. I’m so sorry for your personal health crisis. Praying all will work out according to God’s amazing plan for all three of you.

I have to say, this is my first time working with (under?) a launch director, and I have to say I am in awe. (Karen, if you’re reading this, you’re amazing! Thank you for all you’re doing for Tracy. It’s been so cool working on the team.) 

TC: As for how I gathered them—one email or Facebook message at a time. I started way too early when I thought the book would release in December, but most of the folks stuck with me anyway. I knew many of the people, like you, Shirley, through critique groups or from editing projects, conferences, or writing groups. Some go to church with me, and I’ve met others along the way. I did post messages on Facebook and in a couple of groups closer to the launch, but most of the team was already in place. What a joy you have all been!

SC: You’ve certainly got a fabulous team around you. You inspire me to put far more work into my next release!

Contact Tracy:

So in closing, Tracy, please give us some ways readers can get in touch with you. First of all -where we can learn more about you.

TC: My website is: and if they would like to follow my newsletter which is like a mini-magazine, full of great information, they can visit for further details.

My Facebook author page is Author Tracy Crump.  And if they would like to find my other social media links, they can check out my Linked Tree account where they can find other social media and links.

SC: I’d love it if all the readers would click on that link to Tracy’s Facebook page and like it. That is one of many ways you can help authors to get the word out about their books. Here it is again.  You’ll see a  graphic of the three versions of the book: paperback, mobile, and tablet. Please leave Tracy a comment of encouragement on this momentous occasion.

(Personal aside: By the way, Tracy, I’ve never heard of Linked Tree! That is amazing. I shall be checking it out for myself! Thank you!)

And finally, and perhaps most important of all, here is where you can find the book, Health, Healing, and Wholeness: Devotions of Hope in the Midst of Illness.

You can get to that link by clicking on the button below. Friends, if you haven’t purchased this book yet, do click on the link below. You won’t be committing yourself by doing this. It’ll give you a chance to “Look inside” and read the first few devotions of this fabulous book before you decide. And if you have purchased it, now’s your chance to publish a review.

Get Your Copy

SC: Thank you, Tracy.  I won’t keep you any longer as I know you have a crazy hectic day ahead of you! Every blessing on the birth of your new baby! May she go from strength to strength and bring hope and encouragement to many in their times of crisis.

Next step!

So folk, press that button and take the next step. Read the Look inside, or post a review!
And please all—visit Tracy’s Facebook Author Page and like it!

TC: Thank you, Shirley. It’s been great being with you and your readers today.


2 comments on “Tracy Crump and Her Debut Book, Health, Healing, and Wholeness

    • Thank you so much, Tracy. I’m so excited for you. This launch is incredible. I hope you get your 50 reviews. I’m going off now to make supper, and won’t be back online until tomorrow but will check then.
      Hope your mom-in-law is stable?

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