God’s Majesty and Mystery in Africa – Book Launching Soon

Majesty & Mystery

Majesty and Mystery in One Continent

And here’s the final cover!

The majesty and mystery contained in the continent of Africa are beyond description!

Are you interested in knowing more? Discover some of the most amazing things about Africa.

Often touted as the Dark Continent, some people believe that Africa is a poor and backward land. Yet, the land is a source of extraordinary bio-diversity. It is also home to the most ravishing landscapes and majesty known to mankind.

90 Days in the Land of Majesty & Mystery

This book offers an inspirational insight into some of the amazing things God has created in Africa. It reveals some of the land’s diverse landscapes, culture, people, majesty, wildlife and more.

Shirley reveals the breathtaking part of Africa the media never shows you. You will receive a fresh and insightful perspective on the creativity of God on the continent.


Here’s a preview of what you’ll discover within the pages of this book:

  • 90 chapters depicting some of the awe-inspiring diversities in Africa
  • The exciting panoramas, majestic mountains, beautiful wildlife and mysteries of Africa
  • Hidden discoveries you’ve never heard about
  • The unique Hand of God in everything in Africa
  • The real African experience the rest of the world doesn’t know
  • An opportunity to draw close to the God who brought this majesty and mystery all together
  • And much more…

The media often portrays Africa as a place of violence and hunger. If you want to catch glimpses of the REAL Africa, then God in Africa is the book for you. Through its pages, you will also draw close to the Creator of the continent and all its majesty and mystery.

Coming soon! God in Africa - 90 Days in the Land of Majesty & Mystery. Now available on pre-order. Read about it here - and please RT. Share on X

Majesty & Mystery


Paperback version will be launched on 28th September at a Launch Party.

Venue: REACH Church, Brighton Road, Summerstrand, Port Elizabeth.

Kindle version will be launched on 1st October – pre-order now available.

Other posts about the book:

Lessons from Africa!

God in Africa – About the Book


Can be seen on her Amazon Author Page


4 comments on “God’s Majesty and Mystery in Africa – Book Launching Soon

  1. Shirl,
    Great post! I shared the link on my timeline. One small thing jumped at me: you used the phrase “ravishing landscapes” twice. I’d have preferred having a different adjective in one place or the other. You know me – the eternal editor. (blush)

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