Lessons from Africa ~ Coming soon


When you think of the land of Africa, do you think of the fantastic wild animals? Or the beautiful mountains and floral kingdoms? How about the cultures? The strange habits of some tribes? Did you know there are over 3,000 different ethnic groups in the continent, who speak in more than 2,100 different languages. It just doesn’t seem possible.

How can anyone cover the continent in one book?

And of course, the answer is, you can’t. Not even in a series of books. It would take a library to cover all the facets that make up the continent often referred to as “The Dark Continent.” All any one book can hope to do is give an oversight of one specific area of the continent, or offer brief snapshots of a variety of different aspects. And this is what I’ve aimed to do in God in Africa, due to launch in September 2019.


We will hop from country to country; from people to flowers, mountains to waterfalls, homesteads to ruins of years gone by, elephants to chameleons . . . . and so the list goes on. I have loved working on this project, and in the process I’ve learned so much about the land that has been my home since the age of four.

In writing God In Africa, I've learned so much about the land that has been my home since the age of four. Share on X


I learned the group name for a herd of zebra. Anyone know? Comment below. (No Google or encyclopedias allowed!) I discovered how many wildebeest go on an everlasting journey every year—and how many return.  I found out how to tell a leopard from a cheetah from a jaguar. (The scientific way, not just what it “looks” like in the children’s story books.)

And I learned about the trees, the endless list of amazing trees, that make up this part of God’s vineyard. Ask any small child to draw a tree and he will do so easily. A straight trunk with a bunch of green on top. Not in Africa! We have every sort of trunk any child or adult could dream up. As for the bunch of green, if it hasn’t died from drought, fallen because of the season, or been eaten by a  hungry animal, you can be sure there is a purpose why it is still there.


I learned yet again what an amazing God we serve! How He is evident at every turn in this land. From giving an insect a GPS long before we had invented them, to teaching little creatures with no hands how to do intricate weaving. Oh yes, God is IN Africa, as the title suggests.

Every natural element that we see in this land is part of His creation. He planned the migrating Wildebeest, the massive Buffalo, the dinosaur Elephant, and the tiny beetle. When He saw the flat land, He created a massive mountain that resembles a table, and another that looks like a crown. I’m sure He had great fun planting exquisite gardens and He gives them just the amount of water He knows they need. Not what we think—what He knows. And He wove all these together to create the majestic and mysterious continent of Africa.

Who but God could teach a bird with no hands to weave? Share on X


If you’re interested in watching this book take shape, sign up here for my newsletter. This only comes out twice a month, and will keep you up to date with what’s happening in my life and my writing. From time to time, I will offer excerpts from the book, as well as offering special opportunities to read parts of God in Africa as it draws near to it going live.


I have already got so many topics for possible chapter headings for a follow-up book. One I never intended to write! But one book is just not enough. What do you think? Does the idea of ninety short glimpses into the Land of Majesty and Mystery appeal to you? Do you think there should be a follow-up?

When you think of Africa, what do you think of first? Leave your answers in the comment section and I’ll respond.

8 comments on “Lessons from Africa ~ Coming soon

    • Thank you for all YOUR input! I’ve just finished Edit 1. Now to get these pesky chapters into the right order!
      Thanks for the visit.

  1. Of course I think there should be a follow-up – or two or three or more. You will never exhaust the inspirations of your continent. It’s too big, too diverse, and too beautiful, fascinating, inspiring.

    • YIKES, Judith! I had only planned on one – and another is just “happening!” Sadly, it’s not coming with text or formatting. Just topics! Now well over 50 and I haven’t even decided if I’m going to write it. But I have this feeling . . .

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