About Ashley Winter at the Africa Book Safari
Join Ashley Winter as she is interviewed on the Africa Book Safari. #Shirley Corder #Africa Book Safari. Pls RT Share on X
Meet our Safari Guide
As our large safari landrover moves away from the buildings and
heads into the wilds of Africa, Mr. Africa swings in his seat to face me.
Ashley: I was born in Scottburgh, South Africa, then moved to Dundee in KZN where I completed my schooling. I then moved to Pietermaritzburg to study, where I met my husband. We felt God lead us to help with a church plant in Wales in 2009, and that’s where we are now, in beautiful Swansea on Gower. 🙂
Mr. Africa: And what family do you have?
Ashley: I have a brother in Durban, a sister in Alabama with my parents, a husband, and four sons! (16, 14, 12, 6)
Ashley, the writer
Mr. Africa: Ashley, did you always want to be a writer? Or what prompted you to start writing?
Ashley: I have wanted to be so many different things! And yes, a writer was one of them. What prompted me to start writing was the lack of Christian fiction set in my country and culture, South Africa.
Mr. Africa: What genre do you write in, and why?
Ashley: I write Christian romance mostly, but lately, I’ve enjoyed adding in a large dollop of suspense and/or fast-paced action. My latest book is a thriller.
Book of the Safari
Mr. Africa: What book are you going to be sharing with us during this safari? Tell us a little about it. What inspired this particular story or topic?
Ashley: I’m going to be sharing the first book of my series which is my debut, Rachel’s Blessing. I love this book because it is heartwarming and emotional – a real feel-good novel. It also showcases a mixture of cultures.
Rachel is a British girl who heads to South Africa when her fiancé ends their engagement. There she volunteers at a rural orphanage and soon meets the attractive local game ranger, Eric. Because Rachel is foreign, readers get to see South Africa through her eyes. This is great for international readers to experience the wonder of the country and culture and amusing for South Africans to glimpse how a foreigner would view certain things in their culture.
Mr. Africa: Ashley, it sounds exciting, and I’m looking forward to reading it myself. You obviously have a deep love for this land. What in particular makes Africa so special for you?
Special Highlight
Ashley: Oh there is so much! If I have to choose one thing, it would be the warmth and strength of the people who call Africa their home.
Mr. Africa: Oh wow, look! There’s a lioness and her three new cubs playing together. What a sight! Let’s park here for a while and watch them. I’ll haul out the refreshments, I have a huge selection here. Perhaps one of the other authors can join me in the front. Ashley, which do you prefer? Coffee or tea? Sweet or savory?
Ashley: Oooo la la, Mr Afrika, now you are spoiling me! Rooibos tea with a slab of Milo chocolate or an Ouma’s buttermilk rusk!
Mr. Africa: You’re a woman after my own heart! Coming right up!
Please, everyone, stay in the vehicle and visitors, feel free to visit us all!
Other authors along for the ride:
CLICK HERE to visit Ashley Winter’s website and read her original interview.
Previously published in this series:
Chatting with Shirley Corder
Introducing Marion Ueckermann and her Book on the Cape Winelands
Authors on the Africa Book Safari
Lynnette Bonner sits up front on the Africa Book Safari
Lisa Harris – and her Christy-Nominated Thriller
Africa Book Safari Visits the Great Wildebeest Migration
Meet Greg MacKinnon and his Christian Suspense Novel, Closure
Speaking to Dianne J. Wilson at the Africa Book Safari
Authors and their Books on the Africa Book Safari