About Shirley

Shirley Corder is an author who writes to inspire and encourage. She has a passion for helping other writers and cancer survivors.

Eve ~ Mother of All

Eve – Mother of All

When we think of Eve, we think of Adam’s partner.

That leads us to the Garden of Eden, and the apple, which of course wasn’t an apple at all.

Yet how much more do we know about Eve? After the apple-that-wasn’t incident? We probably know the pair of them got thrown out of the garden. But what happened then?

Come with me on a journey as we get to know this woman who faced a life we can barely imagine.

Creative Non-fiction

Like the rest of this series, the story is written in creative non-fiction, a genre that deals with facts written in story format. It comprises 34 chapters telling the story behind the very first woman to exist on this planet.

It is not a work of fiction, but in order to bring the story of Eve alive, there are some embellishments to help you relate to the story.

At the end of each chapter, there are a few questions to help you reflect upon what you have read and how it may apply to you.


How to read this book:

1. Read it through as a story, pausing at the reflections as you go.

2. Use it with friends or an established Bible Study group.

The Scripture readings are very short, sometimes only a section of one verse. On a few occasions, you will even have the same reading for consecutive chapters.

The first woman, the first wife, the first mother, the first sinner . . . or was she? 

You’ll need to read the book and see what you think.

What came first? The chicken or the egg?

Who sinned first? Eve . . . or Adam?

Now you need to read the book . . .


UPDATE: Get your copy of the e-reader or paperback here:

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Eve – Mother of All is the first in a growing series of books based on women in the Bible that lived under the shadow of some other person, location, or event. 

Also available 

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Excerpt from Eve ~ Mother of All:

    God’s latest creation stretched, blinked her eyes and squinted at the sheet of blue hovering overhead. “That’s so beautiful!”

“What?” came a voice much deeper than hers. “You mean the sky? It’s always that color.”

The woman’s eyes focused on the face that now appeared above her. “Oh. What…? Who…?”

The figure rose to his feet and stretched out his hand. “Let me help you up. I’m Adam, the first man, created in God’s image.”

“Am I also Adam?”

“No. I’m going to call you Woman, because you were taken out of me. You are bone of my bones and flesh of my flesh.”

The woman examined the man closely then looked down at her own body. There were similarities, but there were also differences. “Are we both made in God’s image? Or only you?”

“We both are,” Adam assured her. “God said it wasn’t good for me to be alone, and then He made you. He took you out of my side.”

“Whose side did you come from?”

“I didn’t.” Adam shook his head. “God made me out of the dust of the ground. Then He blew air into my lungs and I came alive.”

“And then He created me from you?”

“Not immediately. He first had a job for me to do.”

“What was that?” The woman looked puzzled. “What could be more important than creating me?”

To see how Adam answers, read the book. Available only as an ebook at this stage.

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