Discover Your God-Given Gifts ~ Don & Katie Fortune

Introducing the book that changed our ministry

Don and Katie Fortune have updated their bestselling handbook Discover Your God-Given Gifts, The books has been fully revised and expanded for a whole new generation.

Using the listing in Romans 12:6-8, the Fortunes help readers see how these “motivational” gifts are the driving force in our lives. They shape our personalities and help us serve God and others more fully.

With interactive worksheets and guides, Don and Katie help readers recognize their own unique gifts and why they act and think the way they do. With this knowledge, readers will be empowered to use their motivational gifts to further the kingdom–bringing the greatest sense of joy and fulfillment they have ever known.

How we were introduced to this book

About half-way through our 37 years in full-time ministry, my husband and I were on holiday with Rob’s brother and wife. They introduced us to a book that would transform our ministry and our relationships.
The teaching of the book covers “motivational gifts” which, despite all our years in ministry, we had not come across. We knew about the spiritual gifts and the ministry gifts, but this was a whole new insight, firmly based on Scripture. How we enjoyed reading each chapter and working through the exercise. It was fun as we identified our own motivational gifts.
1 Peter 4:10 tells us “Each of you should use whatever gift you have received to serve others, as faithful stewards of God’s grace in its various forms.” It doesn’t say, “If you have received.” Each of us have received one of these gifts.

Learning our motivational gifts

As we studied the book, we were able to identify our individual gift sets. It was fascinating to see how exactly they matched our temperaments and responses. We discovered areas where we excelled as well as our problem areas. The most exciting part was seeing how our two gift mixes complemented one another. We learned why, although we both enjoyed teaching, we had a different approach. Both of us had tried without success to suggest areas of improvement in the other. (Who knows, that often doesn’t work the way you think it should?) 

Rob, we discovered, was gifted in the area of teacher.  No surprise there. The surprise was to learn I was not. Yet I loved to teach. The teacher loves nothing better than to get stuck into a passage of Scripture, and then share all he has learned with his listeners. That was Rob. The exhorter, on the other hand, loves to encourage her listeners to apply the lesson to their lives and within the church life. That described me. I love encouraging folk, whether in their Christian walk or as a fellow writer. So teaching. But a totally different approach to Rob.

Putting the Gifts Into Practice

We were in the process of setting up a new Bible Study in an out-of-town retirement village, so we decided to put what we had learned into practice. In each lesson, we shared the teaching. Rob made sure the congregation understood the passage, as well as the background. I then took over and encouraged them on ways to apply the teachings Rob had shared in their own lives. As they started to share their response to the study of the day, we saw lights come on. They grew to truly love God’s Word in a new way—and they became excited as they applied what they had learned from us both in their own lives.

And we grew excited at seeing how the motivational gifts worked in ministry.

Read this review about the book that changed our ministry and way of life. Don & Katie Fortune teach on the Motivational Gifts. Share on X

This book is For You!

Are you convinced? This is a fabulous book for any Christian wanting to operate according to the way God has created them.

If you haven’t yet read it, do try to lay your hands on the book, Discover Your God-Given Gifts by Don and Katie Fortune. It is available as an e-reader or paperback through Amazon and Christian bookshops should also be able to order it for you.

BEFORE YOU GO! Have you heard of the motivational gifts before? Leave a yes or a no in the comment section. Thank yoU!

4 comments on “Discover Your God-Given Gifts ~ Don & Katie Fortune

  1. No, do you still have that Bible study and is it one that someone can do on their own or does it have to be taught?

    • We still have the book. We’re working through it at the moment. It will be available in a month or so. Any good?
      You can do it on your own. Not as much fun, obviously, but it can work. We did it on our own before forming it into a course.

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