Hi All!
Hooray for 2024!
At long last I’m getting back into my writing, albeit slowly! Most of you will know by now that 2023 was a year out of the hot place for my husband, Pastor Rob, and me. It went belly-side up towards the end of January with Rob’s first hospital crisis, and after six hospital visits he passed away at the end of October.

I’m almost ready to launch the prequel for Returning to Amanda, Who is the Real Amanda?
I’m looking for a few more members on my Launch Team and thought I’d see if there are any of you interested (apart obviously from those who are already members).
So what is a launch team?
Basically, it’s a group of writers/readers who are keen to help the writer launch her book.
What will it involve?
I will periodically ask that the team copy/share a meme, an image, a quote, etc which I would post on my author page. You may in turn invite your followers to share it as well.
We do this over about two weeks to launch day, covering the time I have the book up for pre-order.
This is really not a big task.
A few minutes most days will cover your task. And if you look at the image at the top, you will see the effectiveness of my super launch team! Within twenty-four hours of the launch team starting to promote the book, it got three orange ribbon awards! #1 in
Women’s Christian Fiction, #2 in Christian Contemporary Fiction, and #4 in Religious Romance.
You will get a point for each task you complete
and report in so I know you’ve done it). Then closer to the day, all those who have a number of points will be gifted a digital copy of the book, then asked to put short reviews on different sites.
So how about it?
At this stage my launch team has eighteen members, but it would be wonderful if I could have more. Anyone interested? Just leave a comment that you’d like to, and I’ll send you an invitation.
I should just confirm this is a family fiction story, suitable for men but especially women, with the main hero and heroine being a pastor and his wife. It isn’t just a story as it contains a lot of insightful information for those in the ministry and those who attend church.
It is a prequel
so it covers the story that happened before the events of Returning to Amanda. You don’t need to have read the already published novel, but it’s cool if you have. Then you’ll know why Mandy did what she did – leading up to her returning to being Amanda.
Want to read Returning to Amanda now?
It’s available here: eBook or Paperback. Returning to Amanda