About Shirley

Shirley Corder is an author who writes to inspire and encourage. She has a passion for helping other writers and cancer survivors.

Hope Harbor ~ by Irene Hannon

Hope HarborHope Harbor is the first installment of Irene Hannon’s new series, and it is different to her normal suspense story. For all that, I thoroughly enjoyed the story.

Michael Hunter has come to Hope Harbor hoping for a rest and some answers to some major life questions, including resentment against God. He finds his answers through some surprising people, including the lovely Tracy Campbell who has her own issues.

Both main characters have to move past secret pain in their past lives and allow themselves to love once more. In addition to being an enjoyable romance story, Hope Harbor also reminds us, the readers, that God is ultimately in control of every situation.

Irene has woven into the story-mix several unusual characters who play leading roles and make for a fun but thought-provoking read. Five stars for a great read.

I received this book from Revell Reads in exchange for an honest review. I look forward to reading the next book in the series. You can purchase the book here.